The Seed! Principles to Becoming an Elite Practitioner
At the beginning of the Agricultural revolution in 10 000 BC, man learnt to sow a seed is to create a forest!
And thus the human race was set to grow & thrive with the new found creation of a regulated food source.
The human brain developed exponentially with this carbohydrate-rich fuel, providing us the modern cognitive ability to thinkĀ analytically, critically and strategically.
The Evidence-Based Revolution is now upon us, filling laboratories and funding higher educational institutions to produce quality scientific evidence to provide a framework for us, the clinicians on the front line.
As students, we are exposed to a rapidly growing evidence base.
The beauty of scientific evidence is that it provides us with accurate data that we can apply to our patients and be confident that the outcome will be a positive one.
A treatment approach that works for one person may fail in another.
This is a major limitation of current scientific research, with a lot of methodologies and outcome measurements varying across studies. This heterogeneity precludes us from drawing firm conclusions that can be generalised among sub- sections of the population.
Clinical experience , Expertise, Theories & Clinical “know-how”
provide a large foundation for how we operate as clinicians and set up directions for future research.
While application of scientific evidence for our patients is paramount, the merging of clinical expertise allows a more complete and personalised approach when treating our patients.
At foundations of clinical exercise our mission is to provide inexperienced clinicians with the opportunity to coordinate clinical “know-how” with the science of therapy practice.
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