These modules are top notch! The course from Clincalx Foundations has taken a load off sifting through all the information that’s out there by providing information that is thorough but digestible – and most importantly; practical. – Naomi
I think joining the Foundations Academy mentorship program has been well worth the investment. One of the best parts about this mentorship is the ability for the program to be completely individualised to your specific needs. – Kat
I loved how Foundations of Clinical Exercise really focused on giving practical and real-world tips, and didn’t just talk about the theory behind some of the key concepts surrounding the hip and groin – Dion
Welcome to Foundations Academy
Are you striving for your perfect yet elusive job in elite sports?
The Foundations Academy is a transformation toward becoming an outstanding sports clinician:
• You’ll be prepared to ace that elite sporting role
• Your clinic schedule is full! Patients are lining up to see you.
Are you a clinic owner looking to create an elite team of commercially viable clinicians who maximise their patient retention?
Clinic owners can delegate their new staff development, with full confidence that:
• New clinicians are being trained by the best sports / private practitioners
• Your team become confident & commercially viable Clinicians who always achieve outcomes with their patients.
Freeing you up to focus on the business!
Hear more about Foundations in this message from our Founder, Shane O’Sullivan
Module 1: Principles of Exercise Prescription
In this inaugural module, we lay the foundation for you to effectively prescribe a progressive exercise program for your patients.
Module 2: Hip & Groin Complex
In a complex region to assess & manage we combine the science with clinical experience to provide you with the knowledge and skills to achieve a successful rehabilitation outcome for your patient or athlete.
Module 3: Knee Joint
Being a problematic area for a variety of athletes, Knee rehabilitation must be a strength of any elite sports practitioner.
Module 4: Soft Tissue Injury
Although considered a ‘preventable injury’– Soft tissue injuries still account for numerous games missed across many sports and athletic levels.
Practitioner Seed # 14: Treat the Person or the Injury?
Crassshhhhh, boooom, THUD.... As your car changes gear there is an almighty…
Practitioner Seed # 13- Learn your timelines
Imagine you are embarking on a road trip for the holidays.... …
Practitioner Seed #12: Plan Like a Pro
So you have kicked off your very first role in private practice...…
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